Pia’s Story

The Journey Here

I was born in Denmark, a passionate, enthusiastic, adventurous child. My imagination knew no limits and the moment I learned to read the world opened up with endless possibilities. I spent my childhood dreaming into all sorts of marvellous futures, partly as an escape from unsettled family circumstances. In addition throughout my childhood I was often ill with unexplained allergies and infections, leaving me ample time for daydreaming – and sowing the seed for my future passion for health and healing.

Shortly after I’d finished school my thirst for adventure called me to leave Denmark. I spent a year in Paris, sounds more romantic and glamorous than it was, and a couple of years living on a sailing boat. By then my journey turned more inward in search of a deeper meaning to life, a journey of discovery and exploration that continues to this day.

Over 30 years ago this inner journey once more took a turn and I came to live and work within the Findhorn Foundation, part of a spiritual, intentional community in the North of Scotland. During my time in Scotland I also brought up my beautiful daughter in this magical and beautiful place on earth, close by the wild and glorious North sea. One of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life was to become a mother, and I’m deeply committed to finding positive and nurturing ways of parenting, something that’s proved to be quite another journey of exploration and learning.

Learning to deeply trust my unique path in life with all its twists and turns, and to listen ever more deeply to my Vocation, life’s once more called me back to not only my home country, but my home town of Århus, where I currently live, still not too far from my beloved sea!

Not long after the birth of my daughter I developed severe allergies, MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities), digestive problems and almost unbearable pain. I was eventually diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a chronic, “incurable” disorder. Not being prepared to accept the finality of the diagnosis I embarked on a quest to find healing for myself. I explored many alternative healing modalities, most of which brought some relief and took me a little step closer towards a healthy and thriving life. Recognising myself as having a highly sensitive temperament was one of the more profound turning points, beginning to embrace myself for who I am with acceptance and compassion, reframing into a truly beautiful gift what had to me for the majority of my life felt like a curse.

Further along this healing journey I eventually came across EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, I haven’t looked back since. My healing turned out to not be a 1 minute wonder, it took me a couple of years of diligent tapping, uncovering layers upon layers of negative beliefs and trauma in the process. During this time I’ve completely healed severe debilitating Tendinitis (Tennis Elbows), serious allergies, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities), although some minor sensitivities remain. I’ve learned to befriend my body, appreciating it’s wisdom and recognising that pain and illness are ways in which my body can communicate to me that something needs to change, that I’m ignoring some important part of me, not caring well enough for myself, one of my challenges in life, or that I’m off course in some other way.

In 2009 I came across the Gene Keys, a wisdom transmission, which provides a powerful tool for a profound inner journey of contemplation based on each persons unique personal Hologenic Profile (a chart based on the birth time).  The focus of this journey of contemplation has been to first of all Allow, then gradually Accept and finally Embrace my particular set of Shadows.  It’s been a fascinatingly accurate exploration of my deepest, hidden layers of resistance and fear, to an equally accurate revelation of the true beauty of who I am, the unique Gifts that I’m here to share – totally unlike those of anybody else.  Contemplating the particular set of Gene Keys in my personal Hologenetic Profile has helped me come to a profound sense of peace and a deeper understanding of my unique fractal piece within the whole of the Cosmos.

Since 2013 I’ve been increasingly involved with the Gene Keys global community, and the transmission has become an integral part of both my personal and my professional life.

Above all that I love a good laugh, a tender hug, a deep sharing, a walk by the sea, watching the sun rise or set, following the Earth through the seasons, dancing and getting on my bike on a lovely Summer day.

Being a seeker at heart, I’ve been involved with various kinds of personal development and spiritual practices most of my adult life.   As a consequence I bring to my healing work a deep sense of compassion, creative imagination, wholehearted presence and intuition, knowing from my own experience just how complex the journey towards vibrant health, well being, joy and prosperity can be.

My qualifications

  • Gene Keys Guide 2021
  • Gene Keys Ambassador 2018
  • Matrix Reimprinting, AAMET 2010
  • EFT, Advanced Level 3 practioner, Accredited AAMET 2007
  • EFT for Serious Diseases, 2007
  • EFT  Master Trainer, Accredited AAMET 2011
  • Bars Practitioner, Access Consciousness 2012
  • Massage Therapist, Nordlyscentret, 1989, Denmark
  • Reflexology, Forenede Danske Zoneterapeuter 1986, Denmark
  • Esoteric Healing, The International Network of Esoteric Healing, 2006
  • Game of Transformation, Inner Links, 1992

I’m a registered and accredited Advanced EFT Practitioner with EFT International

For more information about EFT International please visit: EFTInternational

For more information about the Gene Keys please visit: Gene Keys home page

Or the Findhorn Foundation please visit: www.findhorn.org