About The Gene Keys
The Gene Keys transmission offers one of the most powerful tools for inner contemplation and transformation available to humanity at this time of great change.
“Based on the I Ching and a new understanding of astrology and genetics, the Gene Keys provide you with a Personal Profile that describes your life as a fully awakened being.”
Richard Rudd
If you are in need of a little support to get started with your personal Hologenetic Profile or have questions about any other aspects of the Gene Keys please click here to schedule your FREE 15 minute Q&A consultation, I’d be more than happy to help and I’m also available for more in depth support in the form of individual guidance sessions.
I’m also guiding small online groups through the personal profile. Please look out for more information on these in the near future or if you already have a group that is interested, please contact me here and we can find a time to get started.
You can order your free profile here.
Whether you’re brand new to the Gene Keys or a seasoned voyager, I warmly recommend the new Dream Arc course. You will be invited on an intuitive journey into a world of mythology, dreams, nature and creativity. You can enter this rich and magical world at your own pace, where your intuition will guide you on an amazing adventure, full of inspiring surprises at every turn.
The Dream Arc is also incredibly beautiful, a true delight for heart and soul, filled with creatures of wisdom from many realms.
In addition I am a Delta Guide, the Delta is an amazing 7 week journey into the realms of collective transformation and consciousness. I have had a lead role over the past few years in shaping this beautiful magic into a powerful course. I was one of the very first Delta voyagers, and I’ve been in love with this unique stream of the Gene Keys transmission ever since. If this has captured your attention, you can see more about the Delta and explore the first step here.
Introduction to the Gene Keys Golden Path with Richard Rudd
The Art of Contemplation
The Gene Keys approach is based on the gentle Art of Contemplation, and is a stand alone path towards bringing more peace and joy into your life. Richard Rudd has just recently released his new online course on the Art of Contemplation, a profound yet easy to access course, that can be followed at your own pace at any time. I can highly recommend the Art of Contemplation for any one whether you’re feeling called to explore the Gene Keys or not.
You can find out more here
Free Gene Keys Audios
Richard Rudd has generously offered a new recording of the 23rd Gene Key and a first recording of the 49th for free in honour of Binah Sing, after she passed, a beautiful Soul, who I only got to know through her powerful creative work at Onedoorland, but what I saw deeply touched and inspired me.
Listening to this second recording of the 23rd Gene Key something very softly shifted inside me, there’s such profound wisdom in the message of the 23rd Gift of Simplicity and it’s Siddhi of Quintessence, even the sound of that word delights my mind. The 23rd is not in my Hologenetic Profile, but I do have the channel of the 23rd – 43rd in my Human Design, and oh boy do I know how my mind just loves to complicate life!
As Richard says with such profound wisdom in respect to health and diet, and the message goes so much further into every area of life, ‘drink when you’re thirsty and eat when you’re hungry, if something makes you feel good, it’s good for you and if it doesn’t, maybe it isn’t so good for you’, it’s as simple as that. I love it! Just imagine how much energy would be freed up if we made our lives that simple, what a beautiful, nourishing world we could have. And can you imagine ‘caressing life with your hands’, how lovely is that.
The audio of the 49th Gene Key is just as powerful, in a completely different way, but right now for me it is the transmission of this 23rd Gene Key that resonates so deeply through my being. If I’ve awakened your curiosity you can listen to these two audios by following the link below. In addition the 52nd Gene Key audio is also free.
The 2nd Gene Key
Below you can experience a profound example of the Gene Keys teachings. It is a beautiful and creative contemplation of the 2nd Gene Key, where Elijah and Entheos of Onedoorland have synthesised the essence of the 2nd Gene Key spoken by Richard Rudd and put it to music. I invite you to take a few minutes out of your busy day, sit back and listen deeply. The truth of the messsage may touch you deep at the core of your heart.