
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Quick Start Manuals

To receive your free EFT Quick Start Manual, which will explain to you in an easy to understand and well illustrated way the basics of EFT, please click here: EFT Quick Start Manual

To receive your free Matrix Reimprinting Manual, please click here: Matrix Reimprinting Manual

Please see below for an at a glance guide to the EFT Tapping Points.  To save onto your own computer simply right click on the image and save a copy.

EFT Tapping Points

For a more detailed description of the tapping points Click here

Below you’ll find a link to the Gene Keys which is in fact in my experience a profound voyage of self illumination.  If you’re ready to transform and ready to express your highest potential, then the Gene Keys Golden Voyage may well be for you.

Gene Keys home page

The video below is from the Institute of Hearth Math, it’s a beautiful and inspiring illustration of the power of the Heart, I hope you enjoy watching it!

Here I’ve listed some EFT and Matrix Reimprinting related sites which you might find inspiring and informative.