Kind Words

Kind Words

Using Matrix Reimprinting with the Gene Keys Profile

I am grateful for the skills, training, wisdom, and loving care of Pia.  She has recently blessed me with a session in which I worked with a very young and fragile aspect of my life, my experience and my being.  Despite many years of inner work and support, the material that I brought to Pia, which related to my ‘Core Wound’, was still very tender. In the weeks after the session I listened a number of times to a recording that Pia included with the session – a visualization she guided me through at the end of our work together.  This recording, together with the magic of Pia’s intuition and skills and my own efforts, have been powerfully supportive in bringing a deeper resolution of the trauma I worked with as well as toward a more complete healing of my Core Wound (Reference:  Gene Keys Profile).

Naeodi E. Downey

Registered Psychologist, Somatic Psychotherapist, Gene Keys Ambassador, Canada

I really appreciate the intuitive sharpness and depth of personal experience that shape your warm, succinct – and yes! – heartful way of holding sessions and a very safe space: immediately after our last session I experienced a very practical, first hand example regarding the issue of pleasing those perceived in power and it was amazing to experience how I felt back in balance the moment I saw this, thanks to the work we’d done, and could step right back to what felt right.

J. S.


“Pia is a treasure. Healers as gifted as she are not easy to find. I’ve been working with her for several years now to heal many layers of complex and intense early childhood trauma. She has unfailingly demonstrated the strong skill set required to resolve trauma and distress, as well as the depth of wisdom and strength of character to navigate a soul through that private hell. Her creativity and open-mindedness make it very safe to share at the deepest levels and support the rebuilding of a new foundation of internal resource, groundedness, and hope that we who are healing need to create a new, fuller, happier life. I recommend her to people I know as often as I can.”


Dear Pia,

Deep Gratitude… I really felt both your clinical & spiritual development in the work we did together.  I would rank you as one of the top Matrix Reimprinting Practitioners in the field.  Hugely helpful.  Your warmth, skillfulness, gentleness and clarity helped me deal with a challenging issue and really transform it.  Your nurturing presence helped me feel safe to do the deep work, and I am noticing some genuine improvements in my life.  I sense how your experiences of being a “conscious mother” have given you added understandings that really enrich your healing work. You’re a beautiful soul and I would highly recommend you to anyone. 

Suzanne Lerner

PhD, Psychologist, Hypnotherapist & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, USA

Dear Pia,

I would like to thank you for the Matrix Reimprinting session with you. Even though I can do lots of work by myself it has been very beneficial to have experienced the session with you. You held the space so well for me and guided me through the session, which enabled me to work with a different, very important life lesson Echo. This has helped me really cement the work I have done previously on taking responsibility for others and releasing the pressure off myself.

Also, I have since found lots of affordable really cute shoes!

You are a talented Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and I know your clients are in great hands

Kindest Regards

Susie Shelmerdine

Matrix Reimprinting Trainer, UK

Dear Pia,

I wanted to let you know how much I’ve appreciated the work we’ve done together using Matrix Reimprinting.  I felt immediately at ease working with you.  I was able to delve deep into and let go of some core issues that had been weighing on me for some time.  I felt totally supported and safe with you.  You held the space and guided the session with genuine compassion and love.   I’m truly grateful. Thank you Pia.

With love,

Mirabai, USA

Pia, you’re great. I’m so grateful for your guidance, your keen attunement and loving nature as we tapped along. Your ability to intuitively tune into the underlying issue for me on the first round allowed me to move through much that first day. Thank you!

Kathy Brown, USA

I’ve had heavy migraine headaches since my twenties, now for over 30 years. Since these attacks disable me for 3 – 4 days, I’ve tried most available treatments, chemical as well as physical, both from the traditional and the alternative medical world.

Over the years I’ve given various kinds of courses in personal development. My own work has involved work with imagery, and being familiar with these powerful inner images, I felt it couldn’t be better when Pia explained that she worked with a combination of EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Inner Theatre.

What I’ve gained from my work with Pia is

– a method I can’t fail performing (guided practise)

– a simple, efficient tool to use wherever I am (more tapping – less pain)

– deeper understanding of where my condition might have started (Matrix Reimprinting)

– clear and beautiful images of powerful healing situations (Inner Theatre)

– images of comfort and love to “go to” during an attack (making the pain manageable)

All of which hadn’t been possible without a skilful and intuitive practitioner.

In order to find the courage to go to situations back in time, or to allow images to occur without knowing what will come out of it, one needs to feel secure.

Pia takes you in her safe hands and guide you with amazing clarity to, what always seems to be, exactly where you need to go at this moment. Although feelings have made me loose my way during sessions, Pia has gently put me back on track without loosing her focus.

After a session of inner work, combined with tapping, I’m full of hope and I can physically feel the energy flowing without disturbance in my body. It’s a fantastic feeling!

I highly recommend Pia and this method for whatever you need to work with to increase your quality of life.

Lena Axelsson, Sweden

I have had the great privilege to work with Pia during the spring of 2010. We completed the sessions over the phone, Pia in Scotland and me in Sweden. Pia helped me to get in touch with and understand my underlying feelings and fears in the face of a hard decision, I have to make.

Her professional approach, understanding and creativity were impressive. She used a very exciting way of working with both EFT and Inner Images. With great empathy and respect she created a feeling that I was in very safe hands, in spite of the phone. Although, my problem is not yet fully resolved, I’ve realized the context with my younger self and the one I am today, I see my way to a solution is nearer and soon to be put into effect.

I´m very grateful, Pia, for your unique mix of modern physical, mental techniques and your warm personal wisdom.

Ewa Denward Olah, Sweden

I have so far had three sessions with Pia and I am astonished – delighted.

I never thought that ”mechanical tapping” could be performed with such professionalism, intuition and perfect timing of my needs. We have not even met in reality! I consider you to be an excellent practitioner and I would very much like to work with you again!

We have worked with issues that have been very difficult for me and we have succeeded in giving more peace to them. Let alone my starting theme, that no longer feels like an important issue at all.

Pia, I appreciate your professional caring, listening and exact timing of the creative use of this energy field therapy in a courageous way.

I am so grateful for the work you did with me. As a therapist myself I know that the most important work a practitioner can do in the process is to minimize the obstacles and to offer the tools necessary. You did that in our work together and you did it so elegantly and with such an easy feeling that I gladly call this YOUR WORK.

Lisi Markensten

Psychotherapist, Sweden